Transport in Porous Media, Vol.107, No.2, 595-621, 2015
Anti-correlated Porosity-Permeability Changes During the Dissolution of Carbonate Rocks: Experimental Evidences and Modeling
The dissolution of carbonate rocks usually leads to both porosity (phi) and permeability (k) increase. We present experimental evidences and physical-based models of positive and anti-correlated dynamics of k and phi observed during dissolution experiments of carbonate rocks. We study the way the rate of change of phi and k is controlled by the degree of undersaturation of the percolating solution for two different types of carbonate rocks. We document the occurrence of an anti-correlated k - phi trend when the flowing fluid (deionized water) has a weak capacity of dissolution. A positive correlation is found when CO2 is added to the deionized water to increase the potential dissolution rate. Detailed analyses of the microstructures of the rock performed by X-raymicrotomography reveal that low dissolution rate favors detachment of solid particles and their subsequent accumulation at the pore-throat inlet. Particles are detached from the rock matrix due to the differential dissolution rate of the indurated grains and the microporous cement. We then propose a simple phenomenological model to interpret the effect of the pore-throat clogging by the accumulation of partially dissolved carbonate particles. We conjecture that permeability is controlled by the decrease of the effective hydraulic radius and the increase of the tortuosity due to partial and localized obstruction of the pore network. Conversely, increasing the level of undersaturation of the flowing solution leads to an augmented potential of dissolving most of the transported particles before they reach the throats. In this case, both k and phi increase and display power-law correlations.