Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.610, No.1, 227-234, 2015
Quantum Dot Doped Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal System: Investigation of Electro-Optical Parameters and Relaxation Behavior
The effect of QDs on the dielectric and electro-optical (E-O) properties of different ferroelectric liquid crystal matrices has been studied in the SmC* phase. A substantial change in the different parameters like tilt angle, spontaneous polarization and relative permittivity has been observed for the doped system. For the better understanding of the effect of QDs on FLC relaxation process another quantum dot CdSe has been dispersed in two other FLC systems 16/100 and DOBAMBC. The effect of QDs on the three FLC systems on relaxation behavior attributes to the alteration of tilt angle in different way in different doped system. This difference in relaxation behavior is observed due to the dissimilar composition and structure of FLC mixture and FLC molecule.