Energy & Fuels, Vol.30, No.3, 2268-2275, 2016
The Absorption Breakthrough Characteristics of Hydrogen Chloride Gas Mixture on Potassium-Based Solid Sorbent at High Temperature and High Pressure
In this study, the hydrogen chloride gas mixture absorption breakthrough behaviors of potassium (K)-based solid sorbents (K2CO3/Al2O3, KEPCO-RI, Korea) were studied with varying inlet HCl concentration (175-700 ppmv), temperature (200-500 degrees C), and pressure (1-20 bar) in a fixed-bed reactor (15 cm tall bed with 0.5 cm i.d.). The sorption capacity increases with increasing temperature and increasing pressure, whereas it was not affected by the inlet concentration. KCl crystals are formed on the sorbent surface when K+ ions from the K2CO3/Al2O3 sorbent are reacted with the Cl- ion from HCl. Its optical, physical, and chemical characterizations were examined by SEM, EDAX, BET, TGA, and XRD before and after the breakthrough tests. The main purpose of this study is to provide basic information of HCl sorption characteristics on K2CO3/Al2O3 solid sorbents for developing a high temperature and high pressure halogenide halide removal process.