Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.33, No.6, 1831-1836, June, 2016
The particle size effect of N-doped mesoporous carbons as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for PEMFC
The particle size effect of N-doped mesoporous carbon was investigated for ORR activity in acid condition and for issue of a mass transfer and gas diffusion in PEMFCs. As for a non-Pt ORR catalyst, nitrogen (N)-doped ordered mesoporous carbons (OMCs) with a various particle sizes with the range of the average 20, 45 and 75 μm were synthesized by the precursor of polyaniline for the N/C species, and a mesoporous silica template was used for the physical structure for preparation of nitrogen doped OMCs. The N-doped mesoporous carbons are promoted by a transition metal (Fe) to improve catalytic activity for ORR in PEMFCs. All the prepared carbons were characterized by via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and to evaluate the activities of synthesized doped carbons, linear sweep was recorded in an acidic solution to compare the ORR catalytic activities values for the use in the PEMFC system. The surface area and pore volume were increased as the particles decreased, which was effective for the mass transfer of the reactant for higher activity at the limiting current regions.
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