Polymer(Korea), Vol.2, No.3, 135-145, June, 1978
연질 PVC 필름의 열봉성에 미치는 안정제의 영향
Effect of Stabilizers on the Sealability of Flexible PVC Films
연질 PVC 필름의 열봉성에 미치는 안정제(유기석계)의 영향에 대하여 연구하였다. A사 안정제를 배합한 필름의 용융온도와 점착온도는 저장기간에 크게 영향을 받아, 저장기간이 증가함에 따라 용융온도와 점착온도는 높아짐을 알았다. 그러나 B사 안정제를 배합한 필름의 용융온도와 점착온도는 저장기간을 163일이나 연장하여도 변화가 거의 없었다. 사용된 안정제에 따라 필름의 열봉온도 하한과 열봉범위가 아주 다른 것은 매우 흥미있으며, B사제 안정제를 배합한 필름이 A사제 안정제를 배합한 필름보다 낮은 열봉온도와 넓은 열봉범위를 갖도록 하는데 훨씬 좋았다. 필름의 유동성과 열봉성과의 관계를 검토한 결과, 이론적 점착온도는 안정제에 따라 약간의 차이는 있지만 실험치와 대체로 잘 일치하였다.
The effects of stabilizer(organic tin type) on the sealability of flexible PVC film have been investigated. It was found that the fusion and tack temperatures of film which had been compounded by the stabilizer manufactured by company A were greatly affected by the period of storage. In this case, both the fusion and tack temperatures were elevated as the period of storage was extended. On the other hand, films containing stabilizers manufactured by company B showed almost no changes in fusion or tack temperature even the period was extended as long as 163 days. It was interesting to note that the lower limits of heat sealing temperature and the heat sealable range of films were found to be quite different in their values according to the stabilizer species used. The stabilizer of company B was much more preferable both in lowering the heat sealing temperature and in widening the heat sealable range of films. By observing the relationship between the fluidity and heat sealable behaviour of films, it was concluded that the theoretical tack temperature was in good agreement with that of experiments, even though there were some deviations in tack temperature depending on the stabilizers.