Combustion and Flame, Vol.172, 173-182, 2016
High-temperature, high-pressure burning velocities of expanding turbulent premixed flames and their comparison with Bunsen-type flames
This paper reports high-temperature/pressure turbulent burning velocities and their correlation of expanding unity-Lewis-number methane/air turbulent flames, propagating in near-isotropic turbulence in a large dual-chamber, constant-pressure/temperature, fan-stirred 3D cruciform bomb. A novel heating method is used to ensure that the temperature variation in the domain of experimentation is less than 1 degrees C. Schlieren images of statistically spherical expanding turbulent flames are recorded to evaluate the mean flame radius < R(t)> and the observed flame speeds, d < R >/dt and S-F (the slope of < R(t)>), where S-F is found to be equal to the average value of d < R >/dt within 25 mm <= < R(t)> <= 45 mm. Results show that the normalized turbulent flame speed scales as a turbulent flame Reynolds number Re-T,Re-flame=(u'/S-L)(< R >/delta(L)) roughly to the one-half power: (S-L(b))(-1) d < R > Idt approximate to (S-L(b))S--1(F)=0.116Re(T,flame) (054) at 300K and 0.168Re(T,flarne)(0.46) at 423 K, where u' is the rms turbulent fluctuating velocity, S-L and S-L(b) are laminar flame speeds with respect to the unburned and burned gas, and delta(L) is the laminar flame thickness. The former at 300 K agrees well with Chaudhuri et al. (2012) [16] except that the present pre-factor of 0.116 and Re-T,Re-flarne up to 10,000 are respectively 14% and four-fold higher. But the latter at 423 K shows that values of (S-L(b))(-1)d < R >/dt bend down at larger Re-T,Re-flarne. Using the density correction and Bradley's mean progress variable < c > converting factor for schlieren spherical flames, the turbulent burning velocity at < c >=0.5, S-T,S-c=0.5 approximate to(rho(b)/rho(u))S-F(< R >(c=0.1)/< R >(c=0.5))(2), can be obtained, where the subscripts b and u indicate the burned and unburned gas. All scattering data at different temperatures for spherical flames can be represented by S-T,S-c=0.5/S-L=2.9[(u'/S-L)(p/p(0))](0.38), first proposed by Kobayashi for Bunsen flames. Also, these scattering data can be better represented by (S-T,S-c=0.5-S-L)/u'=0.16Da(0.39) with small variations, where the Damkohler number Da=(L-1/u')(S-L/delta(L)) and L-1 is the integral length scale. (C) 2016 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.