Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.26, No.10, 549-555, October, 2016
B2O3첨가에 따른 V2O5-P2O5-ZnO계 유리의 물성 및 구조와 봉착특성
Effect of B2O3 Addition on Thermal, Structure, and Sealing Properties V2O5-P2O5-ZnO Glass
We have investigated a glass-forming region of V2O5- P2O5-ZnO glass and the effects of the addition of modifier oxides (B2O3) to the glass systems as a sealing material to improve the adhesion between the glass frits and a soda lime substrate. Thermal properties and coefficient of thermal expansion were measured using a differential scanning calorimetry, a dilatometer and a hot stage microscopy. Structural changes and interfacial reactions between the glass substrate and the glass frit after sintering (at 400 °C for 1 h) were measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the adhesion strength increases as the content of B2O3 at 5 mol% increases because of changes in the structural properties. It seems that the glass structures change with B2O3, and the Si4+ ions from the substrate are diffused to the sealing glass. From these results, we could understand the mechanism of strengthening of the adhesion of soda lime silica substrate by ion-diffusion from the substrate to the glass.
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