Automatica, Vol.73, 138-144, 2016
Leader-following consensus for a class of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems
The finite-time leader-following consensus problem is addressed for a class of high-order multi-agent systems with uncertain nonlinear dynamics. Each follower node is modeled by lower-triangular system. By using recursive method, we develop the finite-time consensus control design scheme. Based on finite-time Lyapunov stability theorem and matrix theory, we prove that the finite-time consensus of high-order uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems is guaranteed by non-lipschitz continuous control laws. Simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Multi-agent system;Finite-time leader-following consensus;High-order nonlinear system;Lower triangular system