Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.669, 202-210, 2017
Transportation of MHD nanofluid free convection in a porous semi annulus using numerical approach
Nanofluid free convection in presence of Lorentz forces in a permeable semi annulus is simulated using Control Volume based Finite Element Method. Impact of porous media on governing equations is considered by means of Darcy law. Brownian motion impact on properties of nanofluid is taken into account using Koo-Kleinstreuer-Li (KKL) model. Important parameters are inclination angle (xi), CuO-water volume fraction (phi), Hartmann (Ha) and Rayleigh (Ra) numbers for porous medium. A formula for Nu(ave) is provided. Results indicated that temperature gradient detracts with enhance of Ha but it enhances with rise of xi,Ra. Heat transfer augmentation enhances with rise of Lorentz forces. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.