Oil Shale, Vol.33, No.2, 184-197, 2016
This study presents a literature review of the physical and thermodynamic properties of kukersite oil shale oil (or "synthetic crude oil") as found in public literature. The work showed that although there is nearly a century-old history of shale oil production in Estonia, there are very few data about the thermodynamic properties and only a limited number of property prediction methods related to shale oil produced from kukersite. Publicly available information on the physical and thermodynamic properties of kukersite shale oil originates mainly from the period of 1930 to 1960. The data found are predominantly for the lighter part of the synthetic crude oil, i.e. the part for which the condensation temperatures of the atmospheric distillation curve (average atmospheric boiling points of the fractions) are lower than 300-350 degrees C. Data and studies can be found about several main physical and thermodynamic properties, such as specific gravity, atmospheric boiling point, molecular weight, enthalpy of vaporization at the boiling point, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, viscosity, surface tension and vapor pressure. But in general, this information is not a systematic set of data intended for determination of thermodynamic properties, but rather it lays out trends and supports the simplest approaches for calculating thermodynamic properties based on "undefined" pseudocomponents (a mixture of compounds that behave similarly).