Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol.37, No.1, 287-304, 2017
Laser Induced Surface Morphology of Molybdenum Correlated with Breakdown Spectroscopy
Surface modifications of laser irradiated molybdenum have been correlated with plasma parameters. Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm, 10 ns) was employed at various laser irradiances ranging from 6 to 50 GW/cm(2) under argon environment. The ablation efficiency has been investigated by measuring the crater depth using surface profilometry analysis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis reveals the formation of coarse grains along with cracked boundaries, cavities and cones at the central ablated areas. Whereas, uplifted re-solidified material, cavities, ridges, droplets and cones were observed at boundary regions. Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis has been performed to evaluate electron temperature and number density of molybdenum plasma. Electron temperature and electron density varies from 6670 to 9305 K and 0.62 x 10(18) to 0.72 x 10(18) cm(-3) respectively. Both the parameters showed similar trend in variation with laser irradiance i.e. an initial increase from 13 to 19 GW/cm(2) followed by a decrease from 19 to 25 GW/cm(2) and then a saturation from 25 to 50 GW/cm(2). The initial increasing trend is attributed to the enhanced excited vapor content of the ablated material, confinement effects of the surrounding argon and absorption of laser energy into the molybdenum vapor plasma during the trailing part of laser pulse leading to ignition of laser supported combustion (LSW) waves. The decreasing trend is attributed to the shielding effect and saturation is explainable on the basis of the formation of a self-regulating regime. Surface modifications of laser irradiated molybdenum were correlated with the plasma parameters.
Keywords:Laser ablation;Micro structuring;Crater depth;Molybdenum;LIBS;Electron temperature and number density