Applied Energy, Vol.192, 360-369, 2017
Benefits of demand-side response in combined gas and electricity networks
Active demand side response (DSR) will provide a significant opportunity to enhance the power system flexibility in the Great Britain (GB). Although electricity peak shaving has a clear reduction on required investments in the power system, the benefits on the gas supply network have not been examined. Using a Combined Gas and Electricity Networks expansion model (CGEN+), the impact of DSR on the electricity and gas supply systems in GB was investigated for the time horizon from 2010 to 2050s. The results showed a significant reduction in the capacity of new gas-fired power plants, caused by electricity peak shaving. The reduction of gas-fired power plants achieved through DSR consequently reduced the requirements for gas import capacity up to 90 million cubic meter per day by 2050. The cost savings resulted from the deployment of DSR over a 50-year time horizon from 2010 was estimated to be around 60 billion for the GB power system. Although, the cost saving achieved in the gas network was not significant, it was shown that the DSR will have a crucial role to play in the improvement of security of gas supply. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords:Combined Gas and Electricity Networks expansion model (CGEN plus );Demand side response;Gas network;Power system;Expansion planning