Energy and Buildings, Vol.138, 655-665, 2017
Integrative algorithm to optimize skylights considering fully impacts of daylight on energy
In this paper we propose an algorithm to find optimal design of skylight for a one-storey office building while saving source energy consumption. The algorithm simultaneously couples daylighting with energy performance and compares different ratios of skylight to floor area based on both lighting and HVAC loads. Our method integrates different simulation tools with numeric optimization and exhaustive search to find the optimal ratio. More specifically we implemented EnergyPlus as a thermal engine and Radiance as a daylight engine, both of which are embedded in Ladybug and Honeybee. As Ladybug and Honeybee is a plugin for Grasshopper, we developed the algorithm in Grasshopper environment. We used Python and Grasshopper to integrate different simulation tools and implemented two methods of numeric optimization (gradient descent) and exhaustive search (parametric analysis) in order to validate the final result. After applying the proposed algorithm for a small office building in San Francisco, both methods coincide that the optimal skylight to floor ratio is 5.5-6% while decreasing the energy demand by 19%. The experiments show that the energy efficiency only occurs for skylight ratios of 3-14%. In addition, we used sDA and UDI metrics to analyze daylighting performance of each parametric scenario. We infer that only a specific range of skylight ratios that are energy efficient (5-10%) provide adequate daylight and avoid glare. The integrative process and optimization method proposed in this paper enable designers to find a robust energy efficient skylight design. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.