Applied Energy, Vol.194, 679-687, 2017
Whole process decomposition of energy-related SO2 in Jiangsu Province, China
Effectively analyzing and then treating energy-related air pollution requires examining every factor, from the pollution source to the end of treatment. This paper applies index decomposition analysis and a whole process treatment perspective to identify the factors facilitating air pollution reduction across three stages: source prevention, process control, and end-of-pipe treatment. Empirical research using data from China's Jiangsu Province and its 13 cities reveals differences in local approaches to pollution prevention. At the provincial level, end-of-pipe treatment remains the primary approach to control air pollution emissions, indicating that the pattern of "pollute first, govern later" has not yet been fundamentally reversed. At the city level, 13 cities can be divided into four types, based on their approach to air pollution treatment: the leading type, process-dependent type, end-dependent type, and lagging type. Of these, 7 cities are using multiple control approaches, reflecting the comprehensive effect of whole process treatment. The Jiangsu Province should consider further strengthening effective whole process air pollution treatment models, by transitioning to pollution control, adjusting industrial structure, promoting technological progress, and consuming clean energy. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.