Automatica, Vol.80, 200-209, 2017
Sliding mode control of continuous-time Markovian jump systems with digital data transmission
This paper investigates the design problem of sliding mode control for a class of continuous-time Markovian jump systems with digital communication constraints. Two types of classical quantization schemes, that is, dynamical uniform quantizer and static logarithmic quantizer, are employed to perform the design work, respectively. In this study, a novel quantized sliding mode control design method is developed to stabilize the closed-loop systems in the presence of both state and input quantization and unknown time-varying actuator faults. Under the proposed quantized control strategies, the quantization effects can be completely compensated via injecting quantizer parameters into the controller gains. Moreover, in both quantization cases, the proposed robust quantized sliding mode controllers can guarantee the state trajectories of the closed-loop systems to be mean-square stable, and ensure the reachability of the specified sliding surface with probability 1 at the same time. Finally, a numerical example with an F-404 aircraft engine system is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed digital control design approach. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Sliding mode control;Markovian jump systems;Digital communication channel;Actuator degradation