Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.146, 174-181, 2017
Design and thermal performances of a scalable linear Fresnel reflector solar system
This paper proposes a scalable linear Fresnel reflector (SLFR) solar system. The optical mirror field which contains an array of linear plat mirrors closed to each other is designed to eliminate the inter-low shading and blocking. Scalable mechanical mirror support which can place different number of mirrors is designed to supply different temperatures. The mechanical structure can be inclined to reduce the end losses. Finally, the thermal efficiency of the SLFR with two stage mirrors is tested. After adjustment, the maximum thermal efficiency of 64% is obtained and the mean thermal efficiency is higher than that before adjustment. The results indicate that the end losses have been reduced effectively by the inclination design and excellent thermal performance can be obtained by the SLFR after adjustment. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.