Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.29, No.3, 195-205, August, 2017
Numerical simulation of FENE-P viscoelastic fluids flow and heat transfer in grooved channel with rectangular cavities
The forced convection heat transfer for non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluids obeying the FENE-P model in a parallel-plate channel with transverse rectangular cavities is carried out numerically using ANSYS-POLYFLOW code. The flow investigated is assumed to be two-dimensional, incompressible, laminar and steady. The flow behavior and temperature distribution influenced by the re-circulation caused by the variation of cross-section area along the stream wise direction have been studied. The constant heat flux condition has been applied and the effects of the different parameters, such as the aspect ratio of channel cavities (AR = 0.25, 0.5), the Reynolds number (Re = 25, 250, and 500), the fluid elasticity defined by the Weissenberg number (We), and the extensibility parameter of the model (L2), on heat transfer characteristics have been explored for channels of three successive cavities configuration. Different levels of heat transfer enhancement were obtained and discussed.
Keywords:parallel-plate channel;transverse rectangular cavities;heat transfer;viscoelastic fluids;FENEP model
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