Applied Energy, Vol.204, 287-302, 2017
Model-based design validation for advanced energy management strategies for electrified hybrid power trains using innovative vehicle hardware in the loop (VHIL) approach
Hybridization of automotive powertrains by using more than one type of energy converter is considered as an important step towards reducing fuel consumption and air pollutants. Specifically, the development of energy efficient, highly complex, alternative drive-train systems, in which the interactions of different energy converters play an important role, requires new design methods and processes. This paper discusses the inclusion of an alternative hybrid power train into an existing vehicle platform for maximum energy efficiency. The new proposed integrated Vehicle Hardware In-the-loop (VHiL) and Model Based Design (MBD) approach is utilized to evaluate the energy efficiency of electrified powertrain. In VHiL, a complete chassis system becomes an integrated part of the vehicle test bed. A complete conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) powered vehicle is tested in roller bench test for the integration of energy efficient hybrid electric power train modules in closed-loop, real-time, feedback configuration. A model that is a replica of the test vehicle is executed-in real-time- where all hybrid power train modules are included. While the VHiL platform is controlling the signal exchange between the test bed automation software and the vehicle on-board controller, the road load exerted on the driving wheels is manipulated in closed-loop real-time manner in order to reflect all hybrid driving modes including: All Electric Range (AER), Electric Power Assist (EPA) and blended Modes (BM). Upon successful implementation of VHiL, a comparative study between Rule Based (RB) energy management strategy (EMS) and Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) to Control Parallel Through-The-Road Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PTTR-HEV) is performed. The study shows that the actual fuel efficiency of the tested vehicle under both control strategies can be used in order to evaluate the effectiveness of energy conversion efficiency of the powertrain system. The fuel consumption of hybridized powertrain is compared with the conventional powertrain equipped in an actual vehicle to help comprehend the degree of efficiency attained by the hybridization. This process is developed in order to enable effective tuning/validation of advanced energy management strategies utilized in hybrid electric powertrain through an evaluation of a complete real chassis system subject to electric hybridization. The VHiL is considered as new evolution for the utilization of vehicle test bed as a predictive mechatronic platform for the development of energy efficient electrified propulsion systems and thus reduce cost and time. Published by Elsevier Ltd.