Combustion and Flame, Vol.186, 140-149, 2017
Direct estimation of edge flame speeds of lifted laminar jet flames and a modified stabilization mechanism
The flame stabilization mechanism of a lifted flame in a laminar fuel jet has been explained based on the edge flame concept. Previous studies have employed a similarity solution between velocity and fuel concentration, and showed that a lifted flame can be stabilized when the Schmidt number, Sc, is within a range of either Sc > 1 or Sc < 0.5. However, two unsolved problems remained, and they were mainly answered in this study. First, the edge flame speed could not be determined from the similarity solution using the experimental results of stable lifted flames. To resolve this, the experimental relationship between the fuel flow rate and the liftoff height was measured with a higher resolution, and a new method employing an effective Schmidt number was suggested. As a result, the relationship between the edge flame speed and the fuel concentration gradient could then be directly estimated from the simple experimental values for flow rate and the liftoff height. This new method was validated for various experimental parameters including the tube diameter, air-premixing ratio, and nitrogen-dilution ratio. Second, the reason why a stable lifted flame was not obtained when Sc < 0.5 could not be explained theoretically. Here, the existence of a unique criterion of Sc > 1, for a stable lifted flame was clarified theoretically. This study will advance understanding of the characteristics and stabilization mechanism of lifted edge flames in laminar non-premixed fuel jets. (C) 2017 The Combustion Institute. Publishdd by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.