Combustion and Flame, Vol.185, 28-43, 2017
Numerical prediction of combustion instability limit cycle oscillations for a combustor with a long flame
A coupled numerical approach is investigated for predicting combustion instability limit cycle characteristics when the combustor contains a long flame. The test case is the ORACLES combustor, with a turbulent premixed flame a metre long: it exhibits limit cycle oscillations at similar to 50 Hz and normalised velocity amplitude ahead of the flame of similar to 0.29. The approach obtains the flame response to acoustic excitation using Large Eddy Simulations (LES), and couples this with a low-order wave-based network representation for the acoustic waves within the combustor. The flame cannot be treated as acoustically compact; the spatial distribution of both its response and the subsequent effect on the acoustics must be accounted for. The long flame is uniformly segmented axially, each segment being much shorter than the flow wavelengths at play. A series of "local" flame describing functions, one for the heat release rate response within each segment to velocity forcing at a fixed reference location, are extracted from the LES. These use the Computational Fluid Dynamics toolbox, OpenFOAM, with an incompressible approximation for the flow-field and combustion modelled using the Partially Stirred Reactor model with a global one-step reaction mechanism. For coupling with the low-order acoustic network modelling, compact acoustic jump conditions are derived and applied across each flame segment, while between flame segments, wave propagation occurs. Limit cycle predictions from the proposed coupled method agree well with those predicted using the continuous 1-D linearised Euler equations, validating the flame segmentation implementation. Limit cycle predictions (frequency 51.6 Hz and amplitude 0.38) also agree well with experimental measurements, validating the low-order coupled method as a prediction tool for combustors with long flames. A sensitivity analysis shows that the predicted limit cycle amplitude decreases rapidly when acoustic losses at boundaries are accounted for, and increases if combustor heat losses downstream of the flame are accounted for. This motivates more accurate determination of combustor boundary and temperature behaviour for thermoacoustic predictions. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.