Geothermics, Vol.70, 406-413, 2017
Play fairway analysis of geothermal resources across the state of Hawaii: 3. Use of development viability criterion to prioritize future exploration targets
recent Play Fairway Analysis of geothermal prospects in Hawaii identified and compiled data relevant to subsurface heat, fluid, and permeability, and developed and applied a statistical method to integrate the compiled data to produce a map of resource probability across the state. As a final screening of prospective geothermal resources, we considered the viability of development in areas showing an elevated resource probability. This screening was intended to prioritize prospects that have a greater likelihood of proceeding through regulatory review to production in a timely and cost-effective manner. Development viability was determined to be high, medium, or low based on four factors: i) grid accessibility, ii) vulnerability to natural hazards, iii) current and probable future land uses; and iv) community sentiment and acceptance. Development viability was assessed in > 10 areas of interest that were selected based on the results of the probability and confidence mapping, and was a guiding criterion used to develop a prioritized roadmap for the next phase of exploration activity in Hawaii. Planned activities include a groundwater sampling and analysis campaign in 10 broad areas, and the collection of magnetotelluric and gravity data in 2-5 locations statewide.