Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.57, 143-153, January, 2018
Recycling of automotive shredder residue by solid state shear milling technology
The main compositions in automotive shredder residue (ASR) were polymers, up to about 70 wt%, which is difficult to be separated and classified. In this work, ultrafine ASR powders was prepared through a mechanochemical technology called solid state shear milling (S3M) and the melt blending process was further applied to produce value-added polypropylene (PP) composites. Both optical and electron microscopy revealed the excellent dispersion and in-situ compatibilization of ASR were achieved in the PP/ASR composites. After S3M treatment the tensile strength, elongation at break and charpy notched impact strength of PP/ASR composites were increased by 39%, 285% and 50%, respectively. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the composites were even superior to those with addition of PP-g-MAH (a commercial compatibilizer). The ASR recycling strategy proposed here is simple, low cost, efficient and green, exhibiting great potential for fabricating non-structural products used in the realms of container for waste, plastic garbage bags and the road stone.
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