Clean Technology, Vol.23, No.4, 357-363, December, 2017
포토레지스트 공정에서 높은 선택성을 가지는 초임계 이산화탄소/n-butyl acetate 공용매 시스템 연구
Study of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide/n-Butyl Acetate Co-solvent System with High Selectivity in Photoresist Removal Process
본 연구에서는 초임계 이산화탄소/n-butyl acetate (scCO2/n-BA) 공용매를 사용하여 네거티브형 포토레지스트(PR)를 제거하는 실험을 진행하였다. scCO2와 n-BA의 용해도 평가를 통해 n-BA가 scCO2와 균일하게 섞이는 조건을 실험적으로 측정하였다. 다양한 실험 변수를 조정하여 포토레지스트 제거 실험을 진행하였고, 미노광 포토레지스트 제거에 대한 최적의 조건을 확립하였다. 또한, 노광된 PR과 미노광 PR의 제거율을 비교하여 scCO2/n-BA 공용매의 선택적 제거 성능을 확인하였다. 노광된 PR은 scCO2/n-BA 공용매 환경에서 매우 안정적으로 존재함을 관찰하였고, 미노광 PR은 160 bar, 40 ℃, 75 wt%n-BA 이상의 농도에서 완전히 제거됨을 확인하였다. scCO2/n-BA 공용매 시스템은 노광 PR과 미노광 PR 사이의 높은 선택성을 제공할 수 있으며, 네거티브 PR의 리소그래피 공정에서 높은 신뢰성을 부여할 것으로 기대된다.
In this study, the supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2)/ n-butyl acetate (n-BA) co-solvent system was employed to remove an unexposed negative photoresist (PR) from the surface of a silicon wafer. In addition, the selectivity of the scCO2/n-BA co-solvent system was confirmed for the unexposed and exposed negative PR. Optimum conditions for removal of the unexposed PR were obtained from various conditions such as pressure, temperature and n-BA ratio. The n-BA was highly soluble in scCO2 without cloud point and phase separation in mostly experimental conditions. However, the scCO2/n-BA co-solvent was phase separated at 100 bar, above 80 ℃. The unexposed and exposed PR was swelled in scCO2 solvent at all experimental conditions. The complete removal of unexposed PR was achieved from the reaction condition of 160 bar, 10 min, 40 ℃ and 75 wt% n-BA in scCO2, as measured by ellipsometry. The exposed photoresist showed high stability in the scCO2/n-BA co-solvent system, which indicated that the scCO2/n-BA co-solvent system has high selectivity for the PR removal in photo lithograph process. The scCO2/n-BA co-solvent system not only prevent swelling of exposed PR, but also provide efficient and powful performance to removal unexposed PR.
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