Macromolecular Research, Vol.26, No.1, 40-47, January, 2018
Hydrogen peroxide-responsive engineered polyoxalate nanoparticles for enhanced wound healing
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has dual roles in the biological system, which are determined by the respective intracellular concentration. Abnormal level of H2O2 could inactivate enzymes, affect the cell viability and impair wound healing. Vanillyl alcohol (VA) is known for antioxidant, angiogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. We previously developed H2O2-scavenging vanillyl alcohol-incorporating polyoxalate (PVAX) and reported their therapeutic activities in various oxidative stress-associated conditions. However, no attempts were made to explore PVAX nanoparticles as therapeutic agents for wound healing. We hypothesized that PVAX nanoparticles scavenge excessive H2O2 in the wound site to prevent H2O2-induced tissue damage, promoting the wound healing process. The therapeutic activity of PVAX nanoparticles were systemically evaluated using a mouse model of excisional wound. PVAX nanoparticles could effectively control the level of H2O2 and accelerate wound healing process. PVAX nanoparticles significantly reduced the wound size and induced reepithelization and collagen deposition. We therefore anticipate that PVAX nanoparticles hold great potential as wound healing agents.
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