Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.220, 49-55, 2018
Fused deposition modelling of sodium caseinate dispersions
Only recently, researchers have started experimenting with 3D printing of foods. The aim of this study was to investigate 3D printed objects from sodium caseinate dispersions, exhibiting reversible gelation behaviour. Gelation and dispensing behaviour were explored and structures of different protein content and with oil droplets were prepared. Additions of pectin, sucrose and starch facilitated FDM of sodium caseinate dispersions with different layers and an enzymatic cross-linking procedure was enabled printing of caseinate dispersions at lower dry matter content. A modified Poiseuille equation for power law fluids was applied to describe dispensing behaviour of the caseinate dispersions and may be used to set dispenser pressure and line speeds. Finally, oil droplets are introduced in the dispersions with a premixing method and a dispenser with side-inlet. It is suggested that such specific spatial distribution of oil droplets provides more freedom in custom design of healthy foods, thus providing a niche for FDM of foods. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.