Protein Expression and Purification, Vol.142, 32-36, 2018
Development of a novel engineered E-coli host cell line platform with improved column capacity performance for ion-exchange chromatography
This article reports on the analysis of an engineered Escherichia coil designed to reduce the host cell protein (HCP) burden on recombinant protein purification by column chromatography. Since downstream purification accounts for a major portion of production costs when using a recombinant platform, minimization of HCPs that are initially captured or otherwise interfere during chromatography will positively impact the entire purification process. Such a strategy, of course, would also require the cell line to grow, and express recombinant proteins, at levels comparable to, or better than, its parent strain. An E. coli strain with a small number of strategic deletions (LTSF06) was transformed to produce three different recombinant biologics to examine growth and expression, and with another model protein to assess growth and the effect of selectively reduced HCPs on target product capture on DEAE ion exchange medium. Cell growth levels were maintained or increased for all constructs, and a significant reduction in HCP adsorption was realized. Indeed, a breakthrough analysis indicated that as a result of reducing adsorption of particular HCPs, a 37% increase in target protein capture was observed. This increase in product capture efficiency was achieved by focusing not on HCPs that co-elute with the recombinant target, but rather on those possessing particular column adsorption and elution characteristics. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Engineered cell lines;Host cell protein reduction;Chromatographic capacity improvement;Recombinant proteins;Ion-exchange