Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.35, No.3, 784-791, March, 2018
Tramadol hydrochloride delivery by regenerated cellulose nanofiber-TiO2-ZnO composites
The present work focuses on the development and investigation of new composite materials based on regenerated nanocellulose, titanium oxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) with potentials for drug delivery applications. The new composite was developed using dispersion method. The physicochemical properties of the composites were extensively evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size analyzer and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The presence of O-H, C-H, C-O-C, Ti-O, Zn-O stretch and bend was confirmed using the FTIR, while the SEM revealed the TiO2 and ZnO immobilized on the surface of stiff and rod-like strands of regenerated nanocellulose. The XRD showed characteristic peaks at 2θ of 16.6°, 22.7°, 34.4° for nanocellulose, 17.5°, 24.5°, 32° for ZnO and 25.4°, 38°, 48.3°, 53.8° for TiO2. As the amount of the metal oxides in the composite increased, notable increase in physicochemical properties and morphology for drug delivery purpose was observed. The cumulative drug release profiles of the regenerated nanocellulose composites on tramadol hydrochloride were subjected to zero order, first-order, Higuchi and Korsmeyer-Peppas plots, and fitted most for Korsmeyer-Peppas with R2 and n value from 0.9831 to 0.9941 and 0.4188 to 0.9704, respectively.
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