Transport in Porous Media, Vol.121, No.1, 1-13, 2018
Effect of Reservoirs Conditions on Designing Single-Well Chemical Tracer Tests Under Extreme Brine Conditions
The single-well chemical tracer test (SWCTT) has emerged in the past decades as a method for measuring oil saturation prior to and/or after EOR operations, to measure the recovery performance in-situ. To use this technology, the partition coefficients of the selected tracers are essential for estimating the level of residual oil at the targeted single well. Commonly, injection of short chain alcohols and ethyl acetate, a reactive tracer, is carried out for the tracer slug, mainly based on site-specific reservoir conditions, to accurately determine the level of oil saturation in-situ. However, injection of ethyl formate has been less common due to its fast hydrolysis rate under elevated temperature, which increases the challenges in data interpretation. Therefore, a systematic study for using ethyl formate under mid-range temperature , as commonly found in mature oil field in the USA, shows the potential to be applied for SWCTT. As part of the design effort for a series of EOR field tests to manage the project risk, we particularly assessed the relationships between the partition coefficients of reactive tracers and subsurface conditions such as salinity, temperatures, type of electrolytes, and the equivalent alkane carbon number (EACN) of the crude oil experiments was performed under various reservoir conditions as a function of actual site characteristics at the targeted high saline formations. In brief, our data clearly show that the (oil/water) partition coefficient of ethyl formate increases steadily with increasing NaCl concentrations, ranging from 10,000 (0.17 M) to 250,000 mg/L (4.28 M). A similar upward trend was observed for increasing temperature between 25 and ; however, the partition coefficient decreases inversely with increasing the crude oil EACN over the range from 8 to 12, which are common for domestic oil samples. It was also showed that brine with high NaCl concentration yielded higher partition coefficients. In contrast, brine with high and concentration yielded lower values. And performed somewhat unusual trend in our tests. These results further indicate that the partition coefficient of the reactive tracer, ethyl formate, is sensitive to change in salinity, temperatures, type of electrolytes and EACN, as observed for other chemical tracers. In addition, based on the hydrolysis rate of ethyl formate under various reservoir conditions, the appropriate window of shut-in time can be pre-determined before initiating the field test. We believe that the ability of better understanding the partition coefficients and predicting the shut-in time beforehand could drastically reduce the risks of SWCTT operations.