Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.62, 418-426, June, 2018
Crotonaldehyde removal from polluted air using a biofilter packed with a mixed bed
This study investigated the performance of a biofilter to remove crotonaldehyde from air. Total average of removal efficiency (RE) and elimination capacity (EC) were 88% and 0.73 g m-3 h-1, respectively. Nearly 57% of the RE was occurred in the first 20 cm of the biofilter, where the bacterial population (7.42 log10CFU g-1) and fungi population (5.25 log10CFU g-1) were significantly more than the other sections. Predominant species of bacteria in the biofilter bed were Pseudomonas,Acinetobacter, and Proteus spp. Finally, it can be inferable that the biofilter can be a suitable method to remove crotonaldehyde from air.
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