Automatica, Vol.93, 435-443, 2018
Set-membership approach and Kalman observer based on zonotopes for discrete-time descriptor systems
This paper proposes a set-membership state estimator and a zonotopic Kalman observer for discrete time descriptor systems. Both approaches are developed in a set-based context considering system disturbances, measurement noise, and unknown inputs. This set-membership state estimation approach determines the set of consistent states with the model and measurements by constructing a parameterized intersection zonotope. Two methods to minimize the size of this intersection zonotope are provided: one inspired by Kalman filtering and the other based on solving an optimization problem involving a series of linear matrix inequalities. Additionally, we propose a zonotopic Kalman observer for discrete time descriptor systems. Moreover, the relationship between both approaches is discussed. In particular, it is proved that the zonotopic Kalman observer in the current estimation type is equivalent to the set membership approach. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate and compare the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Set-membership approach;Kalman observer;Zonotopes;Discrete-time descriptor systems;Unknown inputs