Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, Vol.54, No.1, 8-14, 2018
Influence of UV-Activation of Modified Zeolite Catalysts on Their Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties in Their Process of Getting High-Octane Gasoline Components
The influence of UV-irradiation by an XeCl excimer lamp on the physicochemical and catalytic properties of MFI-type high-silica zeolites modified by cobalt tungsto- and molybdobismuthates in the process of getting high-octane gosoline components is studied. It is show that the concentration of acidic centers can be increased by 76%; the arene yield, by 4-13 wt%; and the octane number of the products, by 2-3 points as compared with starting zeolite if cobalt tungstobismuthate heteropoly compound (1 wt%) is used as the modifier and the material is activated by UV-irradiation for 24 min. It is established that UV-irradiation of modified zeolites increases the concentration of acidic centers and decreases the adsorption capacity and specific surface area.
Keywords:UV-irradiation;heteropoly compounds;MFI-type zeolite;aromatic hydrocarbons;straight-run gasoline;high-octane components