Journal of Power Sources, Vol.81-82, 872-876, 1999
Development of lithium secondary batteries for electric vehicles and home-use load leveling systems
The Lithium Battery Energy Storage Technology Research Association (LIBES) has been conducting R&D on large-scale lithium secondary batteries for use in electric vehicles and home-use load leveling systems as part of the New Sunshine Program by the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) under a contract with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) since FY 1992. The R&D by LIBES, which is in Phase 2, has developed several hundred Wh class prototype cells of 4 types and 2 or 3 kWh class modules of each type connecting those cells in series. At the same time, LIBES member companies are conducting studies on supporting technologies for the above R&D, on the evaluation test, and on next-generation lithium secondary battery technology development. Here we describe the current results and status of LIBES's R&D as well as those technological aspects.