Current Applied Physics, Vol.19, No.4, 447-451, 2019
Fano resonance and power output in a quantum-dot-embedded Aharonov-Bohm ring subjected to THz irradiation
In this paper, we theoretically investigate the Fano resonance and thermoelectric transport in a nanoscale Aharonov-Bohm interferometer consisting of an InAs quantum dot coupled to two electrodes under THz irradiation. In the non-linear regime, the charge current shows a symmetric line shape at asymmetric THz frequency even in the presence of the Fano effect. Under asymmetric THz irradiation, the heat current presents the cooling effect. Interestingly, the heat current will change its sign and the cooling effect appears in different V-G region if we switch the THz frequency asymmetric ratio of the two electrodes. This characteristic provides a new way of manipulating thermoelectric devices. In addition, with increasing strength or frequency of the THz field, a restricted zone of the output power would appear around the region V-G = 0.0. These results have potential for the application of thermoelectric devices under THz irradiation.