Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol.102, No.2, 662-673, 2019
Effect of heating rate on properties of transparent aluminum oxynitride sintered by spark plasma sintering
High heating rates ranging from 50 to 250 degrees C/min are selected to rapidly sinter transparent aluminum oxynitride (AlON) ceramics by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1600 degrees C under 60 MPa using a bimodal AlON powder synthesized by the carbothermal reduction and nitridation method. With 1 minute holding time before cooling, all the specimens show high density and high transparence. The maximum transmittance is up to 74.5%-80.6%, where the maximum transmittance is positively correlated with the heating rate. Further analysis reveals that faster heating rates enable the decrease in the amount of the AlON phase decomposed into the alpha-Al2O3 and AlN phases during heating. These alpha-Al2O3 and AlN phases have to be converted back to AlON at the final stage of sintering, which indicates that a decrease in the amount of the alpha-Al2O3 and AlN phases via the boosted heating leads to the higher transmittance of the AlON ceramics. The high heating rates and short holding duration of the SPS utilized in this study result in the fine grain size of the obtained ceramics (1-6 mu m) compared to that of the AlON ceramics fabricated by the conventional sintering method. This effect of high heating rates is confirmed by the coupled densification-grain growth modeling. In turn, the obtained AlON specimens exhibit a Vickers hardness of 15.87-16.62 GPa.
Keywords:aluminum oxynitride;phase transformation;rapid rate heating;spark plasma sintering;transparent ceramics