Macromolecules, Vol.52, No.4, 1832-1842, 2019
Laves Phases Formed in the Binary Blend of AB(4) Miktoarm Star Copolymer and A-Homopolymer
Formation of complex Frank-Kasper spherical phases from the self-assembly of block copolymers has attracted renewed interest. In this work, we have studied the emergence and stability of the Laves phases (C14 and C15), belonging to the class of Frank-Kasper phases, in the binary blend of AB(4) miktoarm star block copolymers and A-homopolymer using self-consistent field theory. Neat AB(4) copolymer with a large conformational asymmetry exhibits a large spherical phase region consisting of four different spherical phases: the face-centered-cubic (FCC), body-centered-cubic (BCC), and Frank-Kasper a and A15 phases. In contrast, the addition of A-homopolymers into AB(4) copolymers leads to the formation of new Frank-Kasper phases, i.e., the Laves phases of C14 and C15. Our work unveils that the Laves phases with more nonuniform domains than the sigma and A15 phases are mainly stabilized by the redistribution of A-homopolymers among different A-domains that reduces the interfacial energy between the A-homopolymers and the B-blocks of AB(4). At the same time, it implies that the conformational asymmetry should not be necessary for the formation of the Laves phases.