Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.228, 318-324, 2019
Effect of strain distribution on the evolution of a phase and texture for dual-phase titanium alloy during multi-pass forging process
The evolution of microstructure and texture of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during the multi-pass forging process were investigated in the present work. By using the integrated approaches of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), the effect of strain distribution on texture evolution was discussed. Results show that the strain distribution has a significant effect on morphology and volume fraction of primary alpha phase. The microstructural homogeneity of ingot is enhanced after multi-pass forging. With the progressing of forging passes, the volume fraction of alpha(p) increases remarkably and the intensity of texture components decreases gradually. Besides, the waved-like < a > type dislocations were found be activated preferentially during first pass forging process, and then < a > + < c > type dislocations were activated with the progressing of forging passes. These results ultimately contribute to understanding of the microstructure evolution behavior, favoring development of microstructure controlling technologies for dual-phase titanium alloys.