Transport in Porous Media, Vol.128, No.2, 723-740, 2019
Arrhenius Activation Energy Effect on Free Convection About a Permeable Horizontal Cylinder in Porous Media
This study numerically analyzed the Arrhenius activation energy effect on free convection about a permeable horizontal cylinder in porous media. The surface of the horizontal cylinder is maintained at uniform wall temperature and uniform wall concentration. Non-similar transformed governing equations are solved by Keller box method. Comparisons with previous works showed good agreement. Numerical data of the Nusselt number and the Sherwood number are presented for dimensionless reaction rate, temperature difference parameter, fitted rate constant, dimensionless activation energy, blowing/suction parameter, dimensionless coordinate, buoyancy ratio, and Lewis number. Generally, the Nusselt (Sherwood) number reduces (increases) with decreasing dimensionless activation energy or increasing dimensionless reaction rate, temperature difference parameter, and fitted rate constant.