Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.77, 146-153, September, 2019
An efficient capture of cesium from cesium iodide (CsI) off-gas by aluminosilicate sorbents in the presence of oxygen
This study is the first to report the chemical adsorption of Cs from CsI by using aluminosilicate
filters developed in our laboratory. To examine the influence of oxygen on the Cs-trapping efficiency, CsI was volatilized and carried by mixed gases composed of 4% H2/Ar base gas and different concentrations of oxygen. Cesium capture was dramatically improved by the conversion of CsI to CsOH, which more readily formCsAlSiO4, in the presence of water vapor that forms if small amounts of oxygen are added to the 4% H2/Ar base gas.This proposed reaction mechanism was supported by thermodynamic calculations.
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