Automatica, Vol.105, 415-421, 2019
Attitude estimation with intermittent measurements
We propose a framework for attitude estimation on the Special Orthogonal group SO(3) using intermittent body-frame vector measurements. We consider the case where the vector measurements are synchronously-intermittent (all measurements are received at the same time) and the case where the vector measurements are asynchronously-intermittent (not all measurements are received at the same time). The proposed observers have a measurement-triggered structure where the attitude is predicted using the continuously measured angular velocity when the vector measurements are not available, and adequately corrected upon the arrival of the vector measurements, A hybrid framework is proposed to capture the behaviour of the closed-loop system by extending the state with timers that are reset at each jump of the observer state. Almost global asymptotic stability is shown using rigorous Lyapunov techniques for hybrid systems. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Attitude estimation;Special orthogonal group;Measurement-triggered observers;Intermittent measurements