Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.27, No.5, 1021-1029, 2019
Stabilizing silica nanoparticles in high saline water by using polyvinylpyrrolidone for reduction of asphaltene precipitation damage under dynamic condition
In this study, the performance of stable nanofluid containing SiO2 nanopartides dispersed and stabilized in high salinity brine for asphaltene inhibition in dynamic condition is evaluated. In the first stage of this work, the stability of silica nanoparticles in different range of water salinity (0-100000 mg. L-1) is investigated. Next, stable nanofluid containing highest salinity is selected as asphaltene inhibitor agent to inject into the damaged core sample. The estimated values of oil recovery for base case, after damage process and after inhibition of asphaltene precipitation using nanofluid are 51.6%, 36.1% and 96.7%, respectively. The results showed the reduction in core damage after using nanofluid. In addition. the relative permeability curves are plotted for the base case, after damage process and also after inhibition of asphaltene precipitation using nanofluid. Comparison of relative permeability curves shows, relative permeability of oil phase decreased after damage process as compared with the base case. But after using nanofluid the oil relative permeability curve has shifted to the right and effective permeability of oil phase has been improved. (C) 2018 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.