Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.60, 221-232, 2019
Investigating the relationship between RPN parameters in fuzzy PFMEA and OEE in a sugar factory
The present study has been conducted to identify the relationship between Risk Priority Number (RPN) parameters in the Fuzzy Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA) and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) in the production process. Initially, the production process map was drawn up according to the IDEFO standard. The OEE rate was then extracted over a two-month period at one-week intervals as a pre-test. In the next phase, the types of potential failures in the production process were identified and the three parameters of the severity of the failures, probability of occurrence and probability of failure detection for each failure state were extracted in the linguistic variable. Afterward, the Risk Priority Number of each failure was determined by the defuzzification of triangular fuzzy numbers. Furthermore, considering the causes of failures, solutions for the elimination or reduction of the effects of prioritized failures were identified and implemented. The OEE was calculated as a post-test at weekly intervals over the next two months of career time to test the effectiveness of the measures taken, which resulted in a 6.05% increase in OEE indicating the effectiveness of interventions. Finally, in order to study the effect of reducing fuzzy RPN on OEE, the values of the corresponding parameters were extracted weekly over a two-month period and their correlation was tested in the form of 16 hypotheses. The results of the research showed a negative correlation between all the parameters.