Energy & Fuels, Vol.33, No.10, 9818-9827, 2019
Modeling Study of the Entrained Flow Gasification of Ethylene Glycol, a Surrogate Fuel for a Pyrolysis Oil
The complex composition of pyrolysis oils makes it challenging to develop detailed reaction mechanisms to model the fuel's gasification chemistry. As a solution, surrogate fuels with a few chemical components with similar behavior to pyrolysis oils in terms of fundamental combustion properties and major physical properties can be used to model the fuel's gasification chemistry. In the present work, ethylene glycol is selected as a single-component surrogate for the pyrolysis oil because of its similar chemical and physical properties to pyrolysis oil. However, even with this simplification, the detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for ethylene glycol available in literature is still too large to allow its efficient use in two-dimensional simulations. Therefore, in the present work, a reduced reaction mechanism has been developed for describing the gasification chemistry of ethylene glycol. This mechanism was first validated by computing ignition delay times and laminar flame speeds of several relevant species and by comparing the calculated values against published experimental data. Furthermore, the developed reduced reaction mechanism was used to perform a CFD simulation of the Research Entrained Flow GAsifier operated at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The mechanism was further validated by comparing the simulation results with published experimental data from the REGA experiments. In all validation computations, the developed reduced chemical kinetic reaction mechanism showed very good agreement with the experimental data. Also, the validated reduced reaction model was used to perform a parameter study for typical REGA conditions, by investigating its performance with respect to equivalence ratio, fuel preheat temperature, and operating pressure. From this parameter study, it has been found that both the fuel preheat temperature and the operating pressure have a marginal influence on the composition of the syngas produced. The equivalence ratio had the strongest effect on the syngas composition, with an almost linear variation in the investigated equivalence ratio range.