Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.98, No.9, 1445-1447, 2019
Emission of volatile organic compounds from a carbonized refuse-derived fuel
An artificial refuse-derived fuel was prepd. by mixing waste paper (28.2%), waste plastics (47.0%), cardboard (10.0%), multimaterial packagings (5.0%), wood (1.9%), rubber (5.6%), textiles (2.2%) and kitchen waste (0.1%) and carbonized at 300 degrees C under N-2. The fuel was then studied for calorific value (34.45 MJ/kg) and emission of volatile org. compds. by microextn. to solid phase and gas chromatog. anal. Twenty-six org. compds. were identified in the emitted gas. 2-Methylfurane, 2,5-dimethylfurane, PhH, PhMe and furfural were the main components of the emission.