Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.98, No.8, 1301-1305, 2019
Properties of solid composite double-base rocket propellants with high energetic plasticizers obtained by loading method
Nine composite rocket propellant samples were prepd. by compounding NH4ClO4 (up to 43.53% by mass) with nitrocellulose (28.85-56.86% by mass), glycerol triacetate (up to 8.71% by mass) and glycerol trinitrate (22.10-35.39% by mass), N-butylnitroxyethylnitroamine (29.73% by mass) or diethylene glycol dinitrate (35.27% by mass) as energetic plastificators. The propellants were tested for hardness, He d., porosity, mass loss during heating, burning rate, activation energy of decompn. The propellant compn. did not affect its thermal stability and prodn. process safety.