Powder Technology, Vol.356, 1008-1015, 2019
A simple L-shape pipe flow test for practical rheological properties of backfill slurry: A case study
Cemented high-density or paste backfill is commonly used in underground mines. The slurry is pumped or gravity-fed into the stope through a pipeline. The pipe flow is completely dominated by its rheological properties. For practical applications, a complicated and expensive flow loop test is generally required to determine the industrial rheological properties. To find a more easily applied, alternative method, a case study using a simple slump, bleeding, and L-shape pipe flow test is presented to determine the industrial rheological properties. Tests were conducted with different proportions of limestone addition C-A3, and different solid mass concentrations C-w. The results show that a stable homogeneous flow is achieved when C-A3 exceeds 10-15% and C-w >80%. The yield stress and viscosity are smaller than that measured from a rheometer. An industrial test was performed for verification. The measured i(m) fluctuates close to the predicted i(m) while a traditional method overestimates the pressure loss. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.