Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol.141, No.12, 3494-3499, 1994
Interconnection Formation by Doping Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Aluminum with Copper Simultaneously - Al-Cu CVD
A novel chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method to form Al-Cu wiring and via filling by simultaneous doping with Cu has been developed and its use demonstrated for advanced ultralarge scale integration applications. This new Al-Cu CVD method was realized by using appropriate Al and Cu dimethylaluminumhydride and cyclopentadienylcoppertriethylphosphine as metalorganic precursors. The deposited Al-Cu film had a highly uniform Cu distribution and contained the CuAl2 phase which is indicative of a hypoeutectic Al-Cu alloy applicable to practical interconnections. This work also showed that the electrical resistance and electromigration endurance of CVD Al can be improved by Cu incorporation with this simultaneous Cu doping method.