Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.83, 164-172, March, 2020
Removal of sulfide and recycling of recovered product from tannery lime wastewater using photoassisted-electrochemical oxidation process
Investigation and optimization of photoassisted electro-oxidation process for removal of high concentration of sulfide and COD from tannery lime wastewater was done. Electro oxidation process with UV-light were evaluated with different current densities such as 15, 20, 25 mA/cm2 with cylindrical electrodes (MMO and Ti sheet). 100% sulfide, 92% of COD and 70% total organic carbon (TOC) were effectively reduced by the current density of 25 mA/cm2 in the photo-assisted electrochemical oxidation process. In Electro-oxidation process alone, the COD and TOC were not reduced effectively. Water/mixed salt (47% Na2SO4 and 53% NaCl) were recovered and reused for dye fixation process.
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