Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.98, No.4, 848-867, 2020
Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Residence time distribution-RTD
Reactor performance, solids-(gas)-mixing, flow through porous media, distillation columns, or through granulators improve as the fluid dynamics approach ideal plug flow. The residence time distribution (RTD) is a diagnostic measure of how close fluid flow approaches ideal conditions. The technique introduces a step change to the inlet concentration-a Dirac-delta function, Heaviside step function, or a rectangular pulse (bolus)-while high frequency detectors monitor the concentration along the vessel and/or at the exit. The effluent concentration profile spreads due to the variance in the process lines leading to the vessel and at the exit, the detector response, and the system. We quantify how much each of these contributes to the overall variance in a fluidized bed with 9 g of fluid cracking catalyst in 8 mm diameter quartz tubes. The injection variance is lowest for a GC sample loop configuration, compared to a 3-way valve or 4-way valve geometry. RTD measurements detect bypassing due to dead zones in vessels and the axial-dispersion model and continuous stirred-tank model to characterize deviation from plug flow. However, when the contribution to variance from the ancillary lines and detector is large compared to the system, the uncertainty in the model parameters is high. Research on RTD fundamentals concentrate on boundary conditions while, here, we focus on experimental errors: mechanical, physicochemical mathematical, and instrumental.