International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.44, No.3, 2023-2036, 2020
Optimization study on a solar-assisted air source heat pump system with energy storage based on the economics methodKeywords
Currently, hybrid renewable energy systems with thermal energy storage have various advantages and are widely used. This paper investigated the performance of a solar-assisted air source heat pump system with energy storage (SASHPS-ES) in Beijing, China, and proposed an optimal operation mode based on economic evaluation. The results indicate that with the optimal heat storage ratio of 50%, the rated capacity of the air source heat pump (ASHP) of the SASHPS-ES system can be reduced by 16.7%, decreasing its annual total cost by 26.5% under a peak-valley electricity price policy. The price of 620 yen /m(2) is critical for the solar collectors. The economics of SASHPS-ES is better than that of an air source heat pump system with energy storage (ASHPS-ES) when the price of the selected solar collector units is less than this critical price (without subsidies from the government). In the current local market, the promotion of SASHPS-ES systems and other solar energy applications requires government subsidies for a period of time. The results can guide the utilization and popularity of SASHPS-ES in China.