Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.142, No.3, 1501-1509, 2020
Accelerated Chemoselective Reactions to Sequence-Controlled Heterolayered Dendrimers
y Chemoselective reactions are a highly desirable approach to generate well-defined functional macromolecules. Their extraordinary efficiency and selectivity enable the development of flawless structures, such as dendrimers, with unprecedented structure-to-property capacity but with typically tedious synthetic protocols. Here we demonstrate the potency of chemoselective reactions to accomplish sequence-controlled heterolayered dendrimers. An accurate accelerated design of bis-MPA monomers with orthogonally complementary moieties and a wisely selected chemical toolbox generated highly complex monodisperse dendrimers through simplified protocols. The versatility of the strategy was proved by obtaining different dendritic families with different properties after altering the order of addition of the monomers. Moreover, we evaluated the feasibility of the one-pot approach toward these heterolayered dendrimers as proof-of-concept.